Madhu Goud Yaskhi

Member of Parliament (Lok Sabha)
Nizamabad Constituency, Andhra Pradesh

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Capital City Ball

You are cordially invited to the

Saturday, November 17th
8:00pm - 2:00am

The Washington Club
15 Dupont Circle
Washington, DC 20036

Live Entertainment, Vegas Style Casino, Silent Auction
Open Bar, Heavy Hors d'oeuvres, Assorted Desserts

Hosted by

David Berkey • Anja Broer • Siu Cheung • Shari Critchley
John Dunford • Bruce Fries • Danielle Gentges • Benita Jenkins
Tim Kenney • Mei Liu • Leslie Magos • Cindy McGrory
Barbara Morris • Gary and Lorraine Nordlinger • Rob Pollin
Melissa Randolph • Richard Rund • Paul Rushing • Tanya
Lynn Sabel • Barbara Safian • Gabriel Sanchez • Susan Silverstein
Adrienne Szabo • Michael Wayshner • Livingston Webb • Lydia Zache

Tickets are $95 in advance and $120 at the door (if available)

For tickets:

For information about Charity Network Inc. please contact:

Proceeds to benefit Charity Network Inc. (501c3) to support the fight
against trafficking and enslavement of children throughout the world
For tickets and more information visit

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